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Conversations & Interviews – Diana Arterian

Conversations & Interviews

Interview of Craig Santos Perez. BOMB (January 2025).

Interview of J. Michael Martinez. BOMB (September 2023).

Poetry.LA interview with Douglas Manuel (July 2022).

“Emerging Poet Diana Arterian on Playing Monster :: Seiche.” On local NPR station KMUW’s Marginalia (February 2020).

Conversation Ruth Madievsky and host Bianca Stone on The Ruth Stone Foundation Podcast (March 2019).

“‘Poetry Can Handle This’: Poetics of Radical Exposure” with Natalie Eilbert. In Lit Hub (September 2018). Featured on The Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog.

“A Dialog on First Books, in Two Parts” with Andrew Wessels. In Los Angeles Review of Books (February 2018). Featured on The Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog.

Interview with Vi Khi Nao. In 3:AM (December 2017). Featured on The Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog.

Interview with Marci Vogel. In Jacket2 (February 2015).

Conversation with Robin Coste Lewis. On The People Radio (November 2015). Re-posted on The Volta / The Conversant.

Conversation with Reena Esmail. In Issue Magazine (March 2015).

Conversation with Sarah Vap. In Make/Shift (March 2014).

Conversation with Henry Hoke. In Jacket2 (December 2013).

Interview with Jessica Castro. At Ugly Duckling Presse Blog (October 2013).

Interview with Sheila Sumner. At Studio One Blog (March, 2013).