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Book Reviews – Diana Arterian

Book Reviews

Alison C. Rollins, Black Bell (Copper Canyon). In Los Angeles Review of Books, May 2024.

“The Annotated Nigthstand” series. At LitHub, 2022-present.

Jenny Zhang, My Baby First Birthday (Tin House). In Los Angeles Review of Books, May 2020.

Victoria Chang, Obit (Copper Canyon). In On the Seawall, April 2020.

Diana Hamilton, God Was Right (Ugly Duckling Presse). In Entropy, September 2019.

Ariana Reines, A Sand Book (Tin House). In The New York Times Book Review, June 2019. Featured on The Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog and The New York Times Morning Briefing.

Shane McCrae, The Animal Too Big to Kill (Persea). Micro-review in Boston Review. June 2016.

Sarah Vap, Viability (Penguin). In Los Angeles Review of Books. April 2016.

Mary Jo Bang, The Last Two Seconds (Penguin). In Coldfront, February 2016.

Robin Coste Lewis, The Voyage of the Sable Venus (Knopf). In The Rumpus, November 2015. Featured on The Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog.

Maggie Nelson, The Argonauts (Graywolf Press). In Boston Review, May 2015. Featured on The Poetry Foundation’s Harriet Blog.

Claudia Rankine, Citizen (Graywolf Press). In Puerto del Sol, April 2015.

Douglas Kearney, Patter (Red Hen Press). In Coldfront, December 2014.

Catherine Taylor, APART (Ugly Duckling Presse). In Coldfront, June 2013.

Diana Fuss, Dying Modern: A Meditation on Elegy (Duke University Press). In Los Angeles Review of Books, April 2013.

Sung Po-jen, Guide to Capturing a Plum Blossom (Copper Canyon)Trans. Red Pine. In Coldfront, April 2013.

Sarah Vap, Arco Iris (Saturnalia). In PANK, December 2012.

Hillary Gravendyk, Harm (Omnidawn). In Coldfront, October 2012.

Farrah Field, Wolf and Pilot (Four Way Books). In PANK, October 2012.

CA Conrad, A Beautiful Marsupial Afternoon: New (Soma)Tics (Wave Books). In PANK, July 2012.

Natalie Diaz, When My Brother Was An Aztec (Copper Canyon). In Coldfront, June 2012.

Alice Notley, Culture of One (Penguin). In Coldfront, November 2011.